Because the majority of CHS projects involve some sort of federal funding, Section 504 (UFAS), Fair Housing and ADA regulations govern accessibility. CHS has extensive experience with cost effective accessibility design, construction and consulting.
CHS’s philosophy is to identify design and construction deficiencies as early as possible, so they can be corrected with minimal impact to the project schedule and budget.
Many housing providers have older housing stock that does not meet the requirements of current accessibility laws. While some properties have a Transition plan to attain compliance, many do not. The HUD office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity is entering into Voluntary Compliance Agreements (VCA) with many housing providers to enforce and accelerate compliance with accessibility requirements. As a component of the VCA, owners are required to contract with a third-party to inspect renovated units and certify they meet accessibility requirements. CHS has been approved by FHEO to provide this service for several PHA’s. Our third-party work includes review of other Architect’s drawings for accessibility law compliance, inspections of units, during construction, and certification of completed units.
Mobile Housing Authority – Agency-wide accessibility improvements

UCH – Pickfair Square

UCH – Salem Manor I & II