Donald L. Dudrow, Jr. AIA, CEM
Mr. Dudrow has over 30 years experience in the field of architecture and affordable housing development. This experience has focused on affordable multifamily housing renovation, construction, research, planning and modernization. His firm, Creative Housing Solutions, Inc. has provided architectural and consulting services to private and public housing providers throughout the United States and the USVI.
Mr. Dudrow established Creative Housing Solutions Inc. in 1994 as an architectural and consulting firm specializing in private and public affordable housing. Mr. Dudrow is the president of Creative Housing Solutions, Inc.
Mr. Dudrow is a Registered Architect and provides architectural design and planning expertise. He also has been responsible for the preparation of numerous reports, studies and grant applications related to public and assisted affordable housing programs. Mr. Dudrow has spoken at national conferences and seminars regarding public housing modernization, planning and assessment of affordable housing.
Professional Experience
10/1994 – present
President, Creative Housing Solutions, Inc.
Established firm to specialize in affordable housing modernization, planning and development. Provided architectural and planning services to over 100 public housing authorities throughout the United States. The firm has prepared Physical Needs Assessments and Strategic Plans for over 1,800 affordable housing developments including public housing and HUD multi-family Section-8 properties. To date has designed and monitored construction and modernization of affordable housing valued at $175,000,000. Provides consulting services for energy improvements (energy audits), utility allowances, accessibility compliance, viability analysis and funding source identification, and housing related construction and modernization activities. Is recognized by HUD, AIA and housing finance agencies as an expert in the field of construction, modernization and assessment of affordable multi-family housing.
Development Director and Chief Architect, Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority
Managed the Modernization and Development Department of the 15th largest public housing agency in the USA. Annual capital funding levels were $22 million/ year. Obligated all funds within 12-months of receipt. Managed a 24 person department responsible for the acquisition of property, development, modernization and administration of all capital improvements. Recognized as the highest performing modernization department in HUD Region V. Successfully managed and completed two court ordered settlement agreements: Jorden (H.C. accessibility compliance) and Hutchins (public housing diversity and de-concentration).
Vice President, CHIP, Inc.
Managed the affordable and government housing division of ATA Architects. Designed computer software and devices for the inspection and assessment of housing. During the advent of personal computers, created one of the first automated systems for cost estimating, specifying and bidding improvements to affordable housing. Marketed and sold the system to public housing authorities and government agencies throughout the USA. Conducted needs assessments for public and private housing providers. Prepared architectural drawings and specifications for the renovation of the Fay Apartments, a 961 unit family subsidized housing development in Cincinnati.
Architectural Internship – ATA Architects, Cincinnati, Ohio 1982-1984
Engineering – Wittenberg University Springfield, Ohio
B.S. Architecture – Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio
Licensure and Professional Organizations
Architect – Ohio #9490,
Architect – Illinois #001-016072
Architect – USVI #987A
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Association of Licensed Architect (ALA)
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) – Certificate Number 88519
Certified Energy Manager (CEM) – Association of Energy Engineers #87064
Training and Avocation
Certification – Fair Housing Act and Section 504 Accessibility Design Requirements for Multifamily Housing (TDHCA)
Certification – LBP Assessment and Abatement Procedures for Public Housing – University of Georgia
2004 Cincinnati Preservation Award from Cincinnati Preservation Association for Architectural Design
Commercial Multi-Engine Pilot with Instrument Privileges
PADI Divemaster, Rescue Diver and Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver