Green Physical Condition Assessment

A Green Physical Condition Assessment (GPCA) is a renovation and long-range planning tool required by the HUD Office of Affordable Housing Preservation (OAHP) for the Mark to Market refinance program. The assessment outlines the current capital needs as well as the anticipated capital needs of a development and the estimated cost per year to complete this work. The term of a GPCA is twenty (20) years. In addition to predicting the capital needs, the report is prepared in conjunction with an Energy Audit (EA) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan. The EA provides calculations of estimated energy usage for certain components (Building Envelope, Water, HVAC, Appliances, and Lighting). A payback analysis, to determine if the energy savings will outweigh the additional cost of the “green” component, is provided to support the assessor’s recommendations.   The IPM report provides recommendations for a calculated response to insect control at the development. The GPCA is submitted using the HUD eTool.